Iba Draft Assignment Agreement

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7.1.4. in the event of insolvency of the loan or partner or late payment by the originator of the credit or the partner in accordance with the cooperation agreement of the loan originator, the partner and the VA Marketplace, to take over the management of the debt in accordance with this agreement by the partner and to recall the authorization of the agent to the partner. After AV Marketplace has taken over the management of the claim by the partner, AV Marketplace is authorized and the agent irrevocably authorizes AV Marketplace to transfer the management of the right to third parties at the discretion of AV Marketplace. AV Marketplace or, in the event of a transfer of the management of the right by AV Marketplace to third parties, that third party is considered a partner under this agreement from the date on which AV Marketplace informed the partner of the management of the right or entrusted the management of the right to a third party by AV Marketplace. 8.2. Upon receipt of the borrower`s payments by the borrower, including the case in which the borrower makes a prepayment in full or in part, and if the borrower only makes a partial payment from the borrower, the initiator transfers it immediately to the partner. After receiving the borrower`s payments from the lender, the partner will retain, on all the means received, all taxes (if any) and a portion of the interest owed to the partner, calculated from the difference between the interest rate set in the loan contract and the interest rate set in the terms and conditions, as well as the share owed to the loan partner. which has not been transferred to other creditors and the remaining interest portion at the interest rate set under the basic terms due to the partner for the loan, which have no longer been transferred to other creditors, while the balance is converted by the currency partner used in the transfer commission`s currency loan contract on the basis of the exchange rate (if any) and after conversion of the amount converted into AV Marketplace for subsequent distribution among creditors. For reasons of clarity, the partner retains the resources in the same proportion of the share that the partner`s receivables collect on all the creditor`s claims on the borrower under the loan contract at the time. The calculation of the amount submitted for transfer to AV Marketplace in accordance with this clause is made by AV Marketplace on the basis of the information provided by the credit originator. Upon receipt of the borrower`s payment, the credit initiator informs AV Marketplace of the amount of payment received from the borrower and the amount of applicable taxes, while AV Marketplace calculates the balance that can be transferred to AV Marketplace under this clause and informs the partner. The parties agree that the balance that can be transferred to AV Marketplace under this clause can be settled in accordance with the AV Marketplace, partner and credit initiator cooperation agreement from the funds payable by the AV Marketplace and, in this case, the balance is deemed to be received by the AV Marketplace at the time of the count.

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