This type of guarantee is sometimes seen in mortgage contracts in which the surety, instead of using all its assets as collateral, is responsible for only part of the repayment, as described in the secured credit contract. Parties to a personal or commercial guarantee are: In this particular case, a limited guarantee is a kind of guarantee if the surety is only required to repay a certain amount of the loan to the debtor. In these circumstances, the amount must be clearly stated in the guarantee document. CONSIDERING that a good and valuable consideration and all future loans that the lender can extend from time to time to the debtor, whose receipt and guarantee are recognized, the surety itself guarantees the immediate, full and full performance of all existing obligations and obligations of the debtor to the lender and the payment of all debts owed by the lender up to a limit of “– according to the terms of certain debt agreements (the “agreement”) and the following conditions :: The parties in guarantee refer to individuals or companies that are obliged to fulfil their obligations. In many cases, the obligation is to repay the borrowed money. The difference between corporate and private guarantees is very simple: a personal surety is a person who agrees to assume the obligations of a debt to a debtor, while a business guarantor is a company that assumes responsibility for the payment. I, __________________DO HEREBY CERTIFY than